Zork Elevators

Automobile Elevator


Automobile Elevator

ZORK Automobile/Car Elevator are designed for moving cars in Showrroms, Garages, Homes etc and it provides Space Saving, Easy-to-Use Basement or Rooftop Parking Solutions for high density locations where Horizontal land space is at a premium.

These Elevator are designed with heavy duty and durable components to meet varying load capacities above 2000 KG.

We provide all types Automobile Elevators including various door options i.e MS Collapsible Manual Door, MS IFD Manual Door and Power Operated Automatic Telescopic Openings and Center Openings Doors in 3 Penals/4 Penal/6 Penal/8 Penal with Stainless Steel or Mild Steel Finishing etc.

Our elevators in this category are comes in various capacities, speed and array of functional features and interior layouts etc.